Greetings DVBC friends,
These last couple of months have been so difficult haven’t they, as we’ve grappled with the various Covid Health directives.
For many, the industry and location vaccine mandates have been such a deeply challenging matter to work through as have conversations with mates who might think differently.
The caps on different sorts of gatherings and the conditions of entry, especially for larger events, have made it challenging for all of us to be able to easily meet together.
As we go through this time, never forget that our unity and our victory is guaranteed, in spite of what we feel is going on around us.
When Paul writes to the Ephesian Christians, they were undergoing severe persecution. They were often the poor and the powerless, living in a wealthy and powerfully pagan city. And Nero was on the throne in Rome. These were very very hard times.
Paul reminds them that their true enemies are not the human rulers of Rome or Ephesus, awful though they certainly were! Rather, their true opponents were: “… evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world ... mighty powers in this dark world … evil spirits in the heavenly places.” (Eph 6:12)
In the ancient world, the ‘heavenly places’ — the air, the sky, the heavens were the domain of the gods and powers; the demigods and demons who fashion the ‘spirit of the times’ and who enslave and deprave the mortals who crawl about on the earth.
We are sent as Jesus was sent, as emissaries proclaiming the reign of God. Jesus is Lord! And we proclaim the most extravagant Good News: Forgiveness, new life and shalom to those who bow to to his reign.
And our weapons are SO not those of this world.
Our armour is Jesus’ truth and righteousness and shalom and faith and salvation. Our weapon is the sword of God’s Word. Our fuel is prayer in the Spirit. (Ephesians 6)
For me, Paul’s most encouraging image is this: With this terrible maelstrom of powers in heavenly places, we are not little creatures creeping about in the dark and dirt. We are seated up-high above all powers, in the seat of power with the King.
Check these out; read them out loud, slowly:
“… I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power 20 that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honour at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms. 21 Now he is far above any ruler or authority or power or leader or anything else—not only in this world but also in the world to come….” (Ephesians 1: 19-21)
“For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus. 7 So God can point to us in all future ages as examples of the incredible wealth of his grace and kindness toward us, as shown in all he has done for us who are united with Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:6-7
End even though this season is difficult for us — it is nothing compared to what we have ahead of us when there is a new heaven and new earth. There is Hope! Paul puts it like this: “Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later.” (Rom 8:18)
We are coming up to Advent which of course, culminates in Christmas. Into the dark hopelessness of this fractured world, a light shines, a child is born, a saviour is proclaimed by angel armies.
So let me encourage you to have heart. Love one another, bear with one another through this time. Yes, there are constraints on us (as on others in nations all round the world), but let’s remember to extend grace and care. That means encouragement, moral support, prayer support and often practical support. Those around us may need a meal or financial help.
Remember too, to pray for and love and practically care for those we may imagine to be our opponents. Let’s be Christ’s ambassadors; salt, light and fragrance; servants who radiate witness through this time.
As followers of Jesus remember it says of him: “… From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another…." (John 1:16).
Over this Advent season there will be three separate opportunities to gather so as to give as many as possible an opportunity to connect through the four weeks of Advent.
- 10am live gathering with a cap of up to 88 attendees (with proof of vaccination)
- 10am Diamo Online, to watch & comment (can also be viewed as a small group through the week)
- 4pm live gathering with a cap of of up to 30 attendees (undisclosed vaccination status)
Please note, because we are still under the Covid Health Directives of the Victorian CHO, there are conditions we need to follow. Hopefully they are not too onerous.
- Please pre-register for each gathering via the office SMS 0409 667 008 or by preceding Friday
- 10am has a cap of 88 attendees (With proof of vaccination)
- 4pm has a cap of 30 attendees (undisclosed vaccination status)
- Young children are most welcome to attend either
- Guests will need to QR Code in and wear a mask
- We will let you know if numbers limits or attendance conditions change
- Follow the link at 10am on Sunday if you wish to be part of the Diamo On-line Service:
- To view any of our past DVBC Videos on Youtube, click on this link:
- Note that the first three Sundays of January will be Diamo Online only (Details to come)
Follow this link to be part of the 10am Diamo On-line Service:
To view any of our past DVBC Videos on Youtube, click on this link:
Check the weekly E-news for updates and further information.