In the days before radar, sailing ships were guided across the billowing seas and dangerous rocky shores by the steady beam of lighthouses built strategically along the coast. As the Waifs’ awesome song proclaims:
“Lighthouse tall and grand, standing on that cold headland. Shine your light across the sea; for a wayward sailor girl like me. Lighthouse man, guide this sailor back to land. Steer my ship on through the storm; back to water safe and calm.”
The Psalmist says: “ Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path…”
Jesus said of himself: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Over these last many months, we’ve sailed some troubled seas, haven’t we? Often we’ve lost sight of shore. Often we’ve feared foundering on the rocky coast. What have been the scriptures; the bible passages that have been your Lighthouses — that have brightly lit the way through the darkness, that have guided your small ship through the storms?
In this weekly Sunday series, a number from our church community share, reflecting on a Scripture that have been significant for them.
After each weekly reflection, you are encouraged you to then go and re-read that scripture, and discuss the passage in your Connect groups or at home.
(1) How would you paraphrase the passage?
(2) What does it teach you about God?
(3) What do you learn about how we should live and act? (4) What practical difference will it make to you this week?