Hi DVBC Church family!
Join us on Sunday mornings - it's going to great!
This year, we want to focus on Jesus and what it means practically to follow him together.
The early Christians were not called ‘Christians’ or ‘Baptists’ or ‘church-goers’ - they were known as “Followers of the Way”.
They followed the ways of their Lord, Jesus - AND they recognised that Jesus himself, WAS the Way.
And they were known for their distinctive lifestyle. They weren’t religious. They didn’t have Church buildings. They didn’t have paid ministers. They didn’t see “The Church” as an institution or a Charity or even as a religion.
They lived as a movement of individuals and households, often underground from the mainstream. They met and broke bread together over meals. They learnt and modelled the practices and habits of Jesus and passed them on to their kids.
And how they treated strangers and slaves and women and their enemies was radically different to the empire. They would not bow to Caesar as Lord.
They were all filled with the Spirit of Jesus and used their gifting and their prayers to bless others. They were ‘partners ‘rather than ‘patrons!’
It’s all about Jesus!
So our theme for the next while will be: “Followers of The Way of Jesus”.
We’re going to think about why Jesus is so central; the new Covenant into which we are called; and the new Kingdom into which we serve. If you can grasp these ideas, and build them to your kids — it will revolutionise your home!
We will then also have a go at some of the really practical habits that will help us hear Gods voice and grasp the bible, so we can respond to God’s leading - It will be a bit like a toolkit of discipleship skills. And all of this is stuff you can pass on to your familiy around the dinner table.
Think of our Sunday morning gatherings as “Gatherings” of the Disciples to share and grow and celebrate — rather than “Worship” services.
Each week, at our Live Service, (and in our Diamo Online Service)there will be a short talk on our theme and some easy homework.
There will ALSO be a stand-alone Teaching Video on the DVBC Youtube page that teases out the theme deeply. You should watch that video later on — either by yourself — or even better, as a discussion starter with your Small group or your family.
Can I urge you to join us in person on Sunday mornings?
At least for a couple of Sundays!
I know for many of us getting back into the ‘routine’ can be a mental block. And for many of us, being home-based on Sunday is so much easier.
And yes, as we go through the year we will be developing some off-site, home-based ‘micro-churches’ for those who want to invest more locally into their neighbourhoods. That will be really important. (Contact me if you are interested — office@dvbc.net)
BUT, as we start the year, having been apart for so long, we need to reconnect with each other and intentionally leave our feelings about 2020 at the foot of the Cross.
Give it a go this Sunday, rather than just using Diamo Online!
This year, let’s take very very seriously that we are called to be followers of The Way — the Way of Jesus.
Take your eyes off what others are doing or saying. Don’t judge or evaluate your faith by how other pilgrims on the journey make you feel. Don’t say: “I’m looking for a perfect church.” Focus on Jesus not others. That’s where your strength and your hope come from.
See you soon!