Saturday, March 21, 2020

Doing church when we can't DO church!

It is now almost two weeks since we met together on a Sunday at our mud-brick centre in Diamond Creek. We’re praying that you are finding God given strength, especially in these challenging times.
A huge thankyou to our Video and I.T. team as well as our Staff team. We thank God for the provision of so many faithful people who have gone the extra mile — often the extra many miles these last few days.
Their hard work ensures we will continue to thrive as a community of faith through this time when our face-to-face programs are in recess.
Each Sunday morning there is now Diamo-Online featuring a short ‘service. There will be Good Friday and Easter online episodes too. And, if you choose, you can comment to each other as the videos run!
The series on Acts also continues and there are still Study-notes for you to follow.
The Connect groups and their leaders are being supported and are the backbone of the church. There are now other ‘virtual groups’ with Pastoral carers looking out for those not in an existing Connect group. This is especially important for those who are shut in or in isolation.    con ... 
Innova Youth have had a great start to their On-Line Friday Youth programme, with 25 people involved, most of whom were on-line watching and sharing via the internet. The young adults are similarly getting together. 
The Kids Ministries and Playgroups teams have also been creating pages resources and opportunities for their members to ‘meet’ and to care for their kids. The Missions HUB have been contacting our Missionaries in far-flung lands.
Go to as a jumping of point to access these many resources.
It’s important we are strengthening our relationships. It’s important we are pursuing faith, hope and love. Our Connect groups (and similar such communities) are the primary way we can be ‘church’ and care for each other and reach out to our neighbourhoods. If you are not yet in a Connect group, then we want to encourage you to join one!
We will maintain our care for those unable to be part of a Connect group. Pray for our Care team as they organise to keep in touch, particularly with those who are frail or shut in or who contact the church-office during this time. 
We appreciate that in a time like this, there will be, for many of us, a sense of loneliness, fear and confusion. Instead of panic, we want to offer peace. Instead of fear, we want to live by faith. Instead of despair, we want to offer hope.
In the midst of this unusual environment, let me strongly encourage you to continue serving Jesus together, including supporting each other. Let’s be praying and seizing opportunities to share the love and hope of Jesus. Let’s also continue to be generous in our giving, particularly to those vulnerable at this time, and in our weekly tithes and offerings.
As we meet in homes and other smaller settings this next while, let’s reach out to others around us, our neighbours, those less connected, and invite them to share with us.
As the Psalmist writes: “We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield. In him we rejoice and we trust Him wholeheartedly.”  Let us together hold on to this great truth at this time.
Grace and Peace,
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Check out this explanatory video: