But, there was also injustice, poverty, and cruel oppression. It was the great and ancient capital city, the the centre of the universe.
And there, young Daniel and his friends found themselves. Shell-shocked exiles, reeling from the defeat of Yahweh’s people by the ruthless dictator, Nebuchadnezzar. How would they learn to live ‘another way’ so far from the land of their faith, in a powerful, seductive pagan world?
And here we find ourselves in Western society. Consumer capitalism, a never-ending cycle of working and buying, a sea of choices produced with little regard to life or resources, societal violence, marginalised and excluded people, a world headed toward climactic calamity.
How do we live ‘another way’ in the midst of an all-pervasive empire? We’re going to look over Daniels’ shoulders and learn what the bible teaches us about living with integrity God’s way far from the safety of of a Christendom world that has long vanished?
Come join us Sundays either 9:30am or 6:00pm Sunday evenings at Diamond Valley Baptist Church. There is usually a free meal Sunday 5:30pm before we gather - you're welcome to join us at table!