Wednesday, February 18, 2015

From Richard Rohr's Daily Meditation

Richard Rohr's Daily Meditation
The Way of the Prophet by Mike Van, concept by Vivienne Close
The Way of the Prophet by Mike Van, concept by Vivienne Close    

Prophets: Self Critical Thinking

Torah, Prophets, Wisdom
Sunday, February 15, 2015 
The Hebrew Scriptures are divided into three major sections: the Torah, the Prophets, and the Wisdom books. Walter Brueggemann says, and I think it's pure genius, that these three sections represent the ordinary and healthy development of human consciousness in a sequential way. The Torah gave the Israelites the Law and a sense of their chosenness. For healthy development, any culture or family must follow this pattern of first providing structure, which develops identity, boundaries, and self-worth as beloved and special.

The second set of books is the Jewish Prophets, and they represent the birth of critical thinking. The Prophets have clearly been the most neglected part of Scripture for both Jews and Christians, because neither showed much capacity for healthy self-criticism. You can see the rise of critical thinking in young people, but it is mostly oriented toward others instead of themselves. Parents often feel their teenagers oppose them on everything! And yet it is a necessary stage, though it often doesn't go far enough.

To read the rest of the article ...
Source:  Centre for Action and Contemplation