Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Pentecost Sunday


Through skyscraper canyons
you come, Holy Spirit,
down lanes and arcades
you come;
from the north, from the south,
from within and without,
like wind
like wind
the roar of Pure Wind
you come
sweeping through
to renew.

In houses of parliament
you come, Holy Spirit,
into lawmaker’s chambers
you come;
from above, from below,
from ally and foe,
as truth
as truth
as the roar of Pure Truth
you come
sweeping through
to renew.

Through grand Gothic arches
you come, Holy Spirit,
to choir and high altar
you come;
from the west, from the east,
from the font and the feast,
like fire
like fire
the roar of Pure Fire
you come
sweeping through
to renew.

From “Australian Prayers page 59, Second edition page 61.
B D Prewer and Open Book Publishers

When the Feast of Pentecost came, 
they were all together in one place. 
Without warning there was a sound like a strong wind, 
gale force,
no one could tell where it came from. 
It filled the whole building. 
Then, like a wildfire, 
the Holy Spirit spread through their ranks, 
and they started speaking 
in a number of different languages 
as the Spirit prompted them. 
(Acts 2:1-4 MSG)