Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Lost in Lost??

Is it just me, or is 'Lost' the most sophisticated con ever perpetuated on the soapie market?

It is just a soapie: there is no plot, nor resolution, each episode is manipulated to create unresolved tension which is then dispensed with in the following episode, which in turn leads nowhere.

The character linkages are boardering on the ridiculously implausible, as are the implied religious and metaphysical undertones... It feels ALMOST as if something deeply seriuos and meaningful is being played out - but it isn't.

The old flashback device is shamelessly manipulated to create the illusion of genuine significance, keeping viewers believing that the relationships mean something. It is JUST A SOAPIE!

It feels like a con perpetrated on the terminally curious!

Entertainment with no nutrious value - chinese takeaway for the mental arteries!

Go on, you lot, get stuck into me :) ...

*Shuts eyes tightly and grimaces*

*Has flashback sequence!*