Monday, October 07, 2024

Haven week:1 Let us know if you're joining us!

Hey everyone! 

We are going to start meeting as Haven, a new faith-community in Mernda, beginning THIS coming Sunday (13/10) and then every second week till December.

Because it's out first meeting, we aren't quite sure on numbers, but we want to put out  enough tables an have enough food to cater for everyone --  but we don't want to set up for too many and then rattle around in too big a space!

Can you do me a favour? If you are planning to join us (or know someone else who is) but you haven't yet indicated that -- Can you send me an SMS or email, that would be helpful! ( or 0418 382449)

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We’ll be meeting every second Sunday afternoon in term:4, starting off in the Uniting Church Hall in Mernda with a time of reflection, a time of discussion and a yummy meal!

The first week will be 4.30pm Sunday 13th of October! If you or any friends you know live in or near the Mernda, Woollert, South Morang, Doreen, Woodstock areas and are interested in exploring a faith community, please let them know!

RSVP either by email: or 0418 382449. 

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SMS: 0418 38 24 49 | Email: HERE | Martin's Blog: HERE
Check Facebook page for any changes to schedule: Haven - Mernda HERE

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Monday, September 16, 2024

Haven | Mernda | 4:30pm Sunday 13th October Meeting!

Hey everyone! 

Exciting news - We are hoping to start meeting as Haven, a new faith-community in Mernda, very soon.

We’ll be meeting every second Sunday afternoon in term:4, starting off in the Uniting Church Hall in Mernda with a time of reflection, a time of discussion and a yummy meal!

The first week will be 4.30pm Sunday 13th of October! If you or any friends you know live in or near the Mernda, Woollert, South Morang, Doreen, Woodstock areas and are interested in exploring a faith community, please let them know!

RSVP either by email: or 0418 382449. 


SMS: 0418 38 24 49 | Email: HERE | Martin's Blog: HERE
Check Facebook page for any changes to schedule: Haven - Mernda HERE

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Boutros Spring 2024 update

Greetings friends!

Happy Spring everyone! 

It’s been so good, hasn’t it, having a few warmer days and to see some green shoots on the trees! Spring is definitely on the way. With all the things happening in our world at the moment — take heart! 

We’ve been encouraged by this awesome promise: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:6-7).
This is to fill you in on what we have been up to and what’s on our plate as we go through Spring 2024.

If you are interested in having a look at our newsletter click on the link -- HERE.

Exciting news - We are hoping to launch Haven, meeting every second Sunday afternoon in term: 4, starting off in the Uniting Church Hall in Mernda. If you or a friend are interested, contact me HERE

More details in newsletter! You can also keep in touch via Facebook -- HERE.

Peace and Grace

Martin and Esmae Boutros